
About Eric Kronthal

Digital Marketing Subject Matter Expert with over two decades of experience in digital marketing and advertising. Writes about industry news, web analytics, search engine optimization, search engine marketing, display retargeting and conversion optimization. Loves his family and enjoys his time fly fishing even though he catches few fish. He believes this is why it's called fishing and not catching.
  • seo trends 2017

SEO Trends 2017 – Predictions & Resolutions

I love this time of the year. It’s great to reconnect with friends and family over the holidays. The traffic in DC gets a little less horrible every day through the end of the year (when it reverts back ...

Haven’t Recovered From Penguin 4.0? Time To Get To Work

In September, Google announced Penguin would be updated in real time. Introduced over four years ago, the Penguin search algorithm updates have been Google's tactic for fighting webspam -- things like, keyword stuffing, cloaking redirects, duplicate content and link ...

  • Greetings from Baltimore MD logo

What’s To Do In Baltimore?

Why would a digital marketing company write a guide to Baltimore? Well, having been here for nearly 6 years, we often tell our out of town visitors all the great things to do in town and just got tired ...

By |2021-03-19T15:24:48+00:00February 11th, 2015|Blog|

How To Determine If You’re At Risk For A Google Penalty With Razvan Gavrilas Listen in as Dan and Razvan Gavrilas, discuss the types of Google penalties, how to detect them, and how to recover if you have been penalized. Razvan is the Founder & Chief Architect of Cognitive SEO, an SEO ...