illustration of web page, content, and local search results coming out of a laptopYou’re a local business. You’re aware of local SEO, and you know you should be ranking on search engines for relevant local terms, but you’re not. And you’re not sure what to do to start ranking. If you haven’t already, you should consider local content writing.

What is Local Content Writing?

Local content writing involves creating or optimizing content for a specific geographic area.

The Importance of Local Content for Businesses

Why does it matter? Can’t you just throw your products/services onto a page and that be the end of it? Unfortunately, websites are not a “if you build it, they will come” product. You can just write content on your webpages and forget about it. But you’re unlikely to rank well if you do that. (It’s not impossible… but it’s unlikely).

Local content is more likely to appeal to your audience’s unique interests, needs, and concerns. And it’s more engaging too. Not only that, but it speaks to the search engine crawlers and tells them, “This is a local business!”

When you incorporate local keywords, references, and region-specific information into your content, you’re more likely to rank in local search (both in organic results and in map listings).

Creating Content that Resonates with Local Audiences

So how do you go about creating engaging local content? Well, it’s important to 1) understand your local audience, 2) do some keyword research, and 3) make sure your content is relevant and helpful.

1. Understand Your Local Audience

Conduct Demographic Research

Understanding your local audience begins with thorough demographic research. Analyze data on age, gender, income levels, education, and other demographic factors to get a clear picture of your target market. Tools like Google Analytics, census data, and local market research reports can provide valuable insights. By knowing who your audience is, you can tailor your content to meet their specific needs and preferences.

Identify Local Interests and Trends

If you have multiple locations and don’t live in the area yourself, it’s important to stay informed about news and trends. You want to create content that your local audience cares about. Follow local news, social media groups, and forums to understand what topics are currently trending. If you’re a roofer, you’ll want to know when one of your service areas has had a hail storm. If you’re an accountant, you’ll want to know when local tax updates are made.

Gather Direct Feedback

You want to help your customers/clients as much as possible. But how do you know what they need? Ask them! Conduct surveys, polls, and interviews with local customers to learn about their preferences and pain points. Not only will you gain valuable feedback about your business, but it can lead to great content ideas too.

2. Research Keywords and Search Queries for Local Content Writing

Use Keyword Research Tools

Effective local content writing starts with solid keyword research. Use tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush to identify popular local search terms. Focus on long-tail keywords that include location-specific terms, such as “best coffee shop in Denver” or “affordable HVAC services in Miami.” These tools can help you understand what your local audience is searching for and guide your content strategy.

Analyze Competitor Content

Look at what local competitors are writing about and which keywords they are targeting. Then you can attempt to fill in the gaps.

Make sure you add keywords the right way though. You should avoid keyword stuffing and get your content to flow naturally.

3. Create Helpful & Engaging Local Content

Tell Local Stories

Sharing local stories is a powerful way to connect with your audience. Highlight success stories, case studies, and testimonials from local customers. Mention your involvement in community events or partnerships with local businesses. These stories not only build credibility but also create a sense of community around your brand.

Use Local Language and Cultural References

Incorporating local slang, idioms, and cultural references can make your content more relatable. Mention local landmarks, events, and traditions to create a sense of familiarity.

Provide Valuable Local Information

Offer tips, guides, and resources that are specifically useful to your local audience. Don’t just write about anything, but if it pertains to your business, go for it. Was an ordinance just passed that affects your industry? Tell your customers about it. Did something happen at a local event that your business did (or could have) helped with? Talk about it.

How to Localize Static Content

Localizing static content involves adapting content on your website that typically remains unchanged, such as service pages, about us pages, and contact information. Here are some strategies to localize static content:

  1. Service Pages: Tailor your service descriptions to reflect local terminology and address specific local needs.

  2. About Us Pages: Highlight your connection to the local community, including involvement in local events or partnerships with other local businesses.

  3. Contact Information: Ensure your contact details are accurate and include local phone numbers and addresses.

Incorporating SEO Strategies into Your Local Content Writing

Effective local content writing involves integrating local SEO strategies to enhance your search visibility.

For more comprehensive guidance on optimizing your local content, read more of our local seo articles. If you need additional help with your SEO strategy, contact periscopeUP. We can help your business reach new heights in search rankings. Call us at (443) 475-0787 or send an email to

By / Published On: May 9th, 2024 / Categories: Content, Content Creation, Local Search, Local SEO, Search Engine Optimization, SEO /

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