Image of pine tree to represent evergreen content and how it should be maintained for best SEO results

In Summary: Re-optimizing for SEO is taking well performing content and improving it to perform even better in search results. You simply review which content is doing well and make improvements including metadata, content, keywords and relevance. You can even implement new keywords where appropriate.

So you wrote a blog post, and it’s getting some nice traction. Great! Now you just let it keep working on its own right? Not so fast. You can make a good thing even better.

Your best performing posts can be even more effective and climb higher in search rankings. Let’s find out how.

Pick The Winners

Earlier, we posted about unicorn content marketing strategy. This is basically taking your best performing posts, re-purposing them and pushing them out again-and-again. Still, we can take this even further and transform your unicorns into super-unicorns.

Re-Optimize The Content Unicorns

If you use the right strategy and wordsmithing, you can leverage the success of an already popular post to break into new SEO territory.

When you revisit your best performing content pieces, go back and re-optimize them. For instance, ask yourself:

  • Is the metadata in place as per best practices?
  • Do you have enough keywords in the right places?
  • Has anything new appeared about the topic lately?

Now here’s the fun part. You might actually be able to add new keywords to successful posts and begin to rank in new areas. Make sure you choose wisely, and don’t make it sound awkward. Still, if you use the right strategy and wordsmithing, you can leverage the success of an already popular post to break into new SEO territory.

This technique should be used judiciously and only if adding a new keyword makes sense for the article.

A popular tool to help tweak posts is the Yoast plugin. This handy tool guides you with peppering in keywords and takes the guesswork out of KW density issues.

Stay Relevant

Even evergreen posts need sprucing up now and again.

Another re-optimization tactic is making sure your successful posts are up to date. Have new developments in your niche appeared? Make sure your posts are updated to stay fresh at all times. That way when people read your article, they feel it was written recently. Even evergreen posts need sprucing up now and again.

This might be a way to introduce new keywords. Add in a paragraph or two about a new industry development and piggyback it on your past success. Again, make sure it’s logical and natural or else you might ruin a good thing.

Rinse and Repeat

You should repeat this process every 6-12 months. This will allow you to stay high in search rankings and maybe even move up a notch or two.

Is It Worth Re-Optimizing Poor Performers?

Even though it might be emotionally difficult, it’s probably not in your best interests to try to make poor performing posts do better. For some reason, they didn’t resonate, and that’s okay.

They might only bring in a few clicks, but even those few are valuable. Revamping them, however, probably isn’t the best use of your resources.

Want help supercharging your content marketing strategy? We can help. Contact us today.

By / Published On: December 6th, 2018 / Categories: Blog, Content, Content Creation, Content Marketing, Search Engine Optimization, SEO /

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