Marketing Strategy

Link Building In 2015 With Nick Cuttonaro [Podcast]

In this episode, Dan interviews Nick Cuttorano, Founder of The Link Builders. Listen in as they discuss online reputation management, controlling page one of Google searches, link building in 2015 (yes, buying links and link networks are still alive), tips and techniques for owning page one of searches, as well as Nick’s “one thing” that we all as marketers need to be paying attention to.

Time Strategy for Marketers With Jodi Hume [Podcast]

In this episode Dan Kaplan, CoFounder of periscopeUP interviews Jodi Hume, CEO of The Business Of Life. They discuss emerging trends in time management and apply them to the crazy-busy life of digital marketers. Topics include: What is “Time Strategy?, having a choice, not being exhausted, creating clarity, and creating structures for decision & navigation support.

By |2021-03-19T14:50:18+00:00November 20th, 2014|Blog, Marketing Strategy, Podcasts|

Content Strategy With Adria Saracino, Head of Content Strategy At Distilled [Podcast]

In this episode Dan Kaplan, CoFounder of periscopeUP interviews Adria Saracino, Head Of Content Strategy At Distilled. They discuss: what makes a good content strategy, how to get leads & sales with content strategy, how to craft a good content strategy on a limited budget, what makes good content, and they walk through an example of a content production and distribution strategy that received millions of views and was mentioned in Rolling Stone magazine.