Technical SEO Website Audit Services2021-11-16T17:33:20+00:00

Technical SEO Website Audit Services

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Improve website visibility, usability and performance by identifying and addressing underlying issues.

Technical SEO Website Audit Services

Ensure your website looks good to people and search engines. In order to rank well, it is essential to continually identify and remedy any weaknesses.

When a search engine encounters a technically sound website, it is able to crawl key portions of the site and read key markers such as metadata, schema markup and on-page content to “understand” what the site is about. The optimization of all of these components helps the site rank for relevant terms. Likewise, when users encounter a technically sound website they are able to access, navigate and interact with it efficiently and find what they are looking for.

Digital marketer at desk, working on laptop
Group of people sitting at a table in a meeting discussing website issues.

A technically sound website can improve rankings and conversions

High engagement and conversion rates point to good usability and these “signals” will benefit rankings and visibility as well. periscopeUP’s Technical SEO Website Audit Services will uncover any underlying issues that may be impeding performance or usability.

  • More phone calls.
  • More form submissions.
  • More content downloads.
  • More online purchases.

Our team will also include recommendations for prioritizing and addressing any identified issues. We will:

  • Evaluate your site’s setup from Google, Bing and Yahoo!’s perspective.

  • Detect problems that hinder marketing efforts.

  • Find reasons why search engines might not see your pages.

  • Uncover ways to increase your website’s rank on all major search engines.

periscopeUP’s technical seo website audit includes a detailed review of the following:
  • Sitewide technical recommendations – Review Google Search Console, Bing Webmaster Tools, XML sitemap, Robots txt file, subdomains, redirects, privacy policy, 404 page and language declaration.

  • Site architecture recommendations – Review ScreamingFrog, Moz Crawl, DeepCrawl, SEMrish Audit, Site Speed tests and check for SEO-friendly URL structure.

  • Page level recommendations – Review metadata, H1s, image alt tags, site footer and on-page content.

  • Google Analytics recommendations – Ensure tracking code is on each page, check properties and profile, check integration with Google Search Console and connection to Google Ads. Also, check settings such as demographics and reporting, conversion tracking, industry benchmarking and site search.

  • Social media – Check social icons,, social share buttons, Facebook OpenGraph markup and Twitter card markup.

  • Blog – Check for bylines, H1 and images.

  • Mobile – Check site speed tests and Google Mobile Friendly test.

  • WordPress / CMS – Check WordPress version, SEO plug-in, security plug-in and backup solution.

Technical SEO website audits determine if your current technical and on-page website configuration makes your site more – or less – visible to search engines. Our Technical SEO Website Audit Services team will provide you with prioritized recommendations to help improve visibility and engagement.

We can provide digital marketing expertise that contributes to top-line revenue growth at a fraction of the cost of hiring a full-time employee. Call us at 443.475.0787 or fill out the form below for a free consultation.


Increased Engagement

Technical SEO Website audits identify and recommend fixes to performance issues that cause users to avoid or leave your site.

Improved Visibility

Technical SEO Website audits lead to highly functional sites that meet search engine best practices. This translates to higher rankings and improved visibility.

Enhanced Brand Identity

Technical Website audits result in a site that works for you – not against you, supporting your business objectives and enhancing your brand identity.

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The positive results shown in the graph below illustrate how quickly and effectively technical SEO maintenance services can be in helping a site regain in rankings, as well as positioning the website to enjoy continued ranking growth.

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